It’s election day here in the United States, which means a lot of Americans are feeling distracted by the prospect of voter counts and ballot results! If you can relate, consider playing one of these three folk songs (all featured in my Americana songbook) to commemorate this unique-feeling day:
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Battle Hymn of the Republic was composed by Julia Ward Howe during the American Civil War. During politically fraught times, it’s helpful to adjust my perspective and look toward the past. There have always been people willing to sacrifice for what is right, and America, happily, trends toward progress.
Keep on the Sunny Side
Keep on the Sunny Side is a folk song that I describe as being "relentlessly optimistic.” The composer, Ada Blenkhorn, tells us that there is a silver lining, no matter how dark our storm cloud. As I write this, the trees lining my suburban street are aglow with gold and red leaves, and the change of season is a reminder that nature will always find a way to keep things going.
Peace Like a River
If you have election day anxiety, Peace Like a River is the song for you! Sing the verses like a mantra, and come up with your own lyrics if need be. It uses the 1, 4, and 5 chords, and in the video I play it in the key of C with a little "help" from my daughter.
Whatever you’re up to today, I hope you find time to VOTE and a little time to play—or listen to—one of your favorite American songs. Happy election day!